Ferst PLAs
5.30 €
Secon plas
00.00 €
Third plas plz?
00.00 €
Fez iZ deeductd fRum eech donaSHun?? support dus not encludE UNBAN an unmute sErvicez?? pLz?
SuPPORT R caLCulatd FRom 20240101?? enFoRMASHUN updaTD: 2025-01-06 11:13
toP 3 SPONsorz receif exceptionel discord rolez?? tEH top 1 sPoNSR RecEIVEz an exCLusif NEME on teH minEcRAf servr an adDZ HIz emoticon to teh dIscorD SERVR??
Oh hi IF u do not want teh enformashun tO be dispLAyd abowt u enferm teH administrashun?? plz?