Oh hi lithuanian minEcraf serVR Plz?
We are always running on the latest version of Minecraft released and are working to upgrade to the latest version of the Minecraft server as soon as it comes out! Our study showed that we are one of the first servers in Lithuania to upgrade to the latest version of Minecraft.
We especially protect player information and all achievements! Map wipes are very rare and we try to leave as many player achievements as possible. Also, our environment has very strict rules, it is forbidden to swear, to speak rudely from the like, and we severely punish violations.
Each player can find their favorite activity because we have 6 different Minecraft game styles (Adventure, AOneBlock, Creative, Minigames, Survival, UltraHardcore). And there are as many as 22 different mini-games in the world of Minigames!
You will not find on the server such privileges or services that would give you significant significance over other players when purchased for real money. All the privileges can be said to be of a cosmetic nature (e.g. change of nickname, turning into a monster, writing colored text, etc.).
Our minecraf servr haZ discord servr wer teh latest newz aboWt teh Kubai pRoject r publishd?? her u Can get halp frum TEH intire kubai CoMMUNITy wiCH Currentle exCedz 350 actif members?? PLUS her u can also sUBMIT Ur ideez TO TEH server enteract wif OTHR playerz on vOis chANnELS SHARE UR Creetions OR jus haz fun?? sign in wiF thiz lINk plz? https://discord.gg/5JDg6Xre69
oh hi AN excepTIonel oppOrtuniTie to gET Kubai cREditz fR Any latr pOSIBl Buy variouz Kubai SERVICEs!?? JUS fIn teh hided pastd Kubai stIKR An report it!?? hided Kubai stikerz throughowt theR iz ovr 300 in lithuania!?? se teh maP AN SEERCH!?? k? https://kubai.lt/lipdukai
One of our main goals is to have a good community, for in addition we regularly organize various special events where players can have fun and win server credits for which you can purchase various services. More information you can always find us about all the events discord server, #renginiai channel.
Don't blow it up!
Done 2025.01.13 20:00
1 new event every day, more on Discord!
Done 2024–12–01 - 2024-12-24
Time to fight!
Done 2024–10–31 20:00
Jump, jump, jump!
Done 2024.10.31 18:00
The one who kills the most wins!
Done 2024.09.23 13:39 - 2024.10.01 11:11
Minecraf servr WER U can breek oRAi FRum othr jobz an try yourself on variouz traks!?? HER U wil fin maNY adventure mapS encludin OVR 104 parkour traks!?? DropPER WER u wil Nd to avoid al kindZ foR obstaclez an Reech teh bottom safele win falin dowN?? findtHebutton hER UR GOel wiL BE TO FIN TEh hIDEd buttONz on teh mapz?? ther iz also VERY compleks mazes ahed that wil rekwire lot FOR LOGicel thINKin an paTIans to gO Throo?? huge sonic advENTure map WIF ovr 20 diFfernt traKz??
You start the game in the air and only on one block, how will you behave? This game mode is very similar to the much-loved Skyblock, but here the beginning is much more interesting. There is always one block here, which you destroy and get various blocks or items that help develop the island.
Favorite minECRAF servr fr al playerz?? here playerz iz FRe (within theIR MINDS) TO UNLeesh theiR Fantasiez Or Try Owt any farmz befoar buildiN IN Teh Survivel world?? in oTHR WORDS Do wat u comed up wif here!?? woRLDEDIT Feeturez can be usd her to make iT EEsir to BUILD??
Minigames are always a fun activity and a break from work. Here you can compete against other players. Today you will find: AnchorWars, BedWars, Block Party, BoatRace, Bomb Lobbers, Bow Spleef, BuildBattle, Football, CakeWars, Chess, Duels, HideAndSeek, HungerGames, IceHockey, King Of The Ladder, KitPVP, Mini Walls, MurderMystery, One In The Chamber, Paintball, Party Games, Prop Hunt, Quake, SkyWars, Spleef, Splegg, Temple Run, TheBirdge, TNT Run, TNT Tag, TowerDefense, VillageDefense.
Simpl minEcraf suRVIvel servr that can sem VERY weared owt ET Ferst but her it r set up very simple an neetly?? u wil be abl to CREETe ur hAZ Safe aree in two clikz?? u wil also fin indlez feeturez THat WIL furthR INLIVIN TEh game??
Probable eev hardesT minecRAF Game mode?? here heelth dus not recovr nEturaly ther iz no addItionEl comMandz liek /home /SPORn /tpa etc?? lieK sIMpl minecraft but maked complicatd az mUCh az POSIBL?? afTr deeeth U ALWAyz wAIT (up TO 1 hoUr) fr teh body to be resurREctd BEfoar u can continue playin??